
Friday, October 21, 2011

Good Luck!!

Thanks for visiting this site, people! I wish all the best for you in whatever you're doing.

Goodluck for your MUET exam too..And oh, don't forget to click my ads on your right hand side to donate to me  =)

Just a click to donate..

Monday, April 18, 2011

All The Best for Final!!

I would like to wish everyone "ALL THE BEST!!!!!" for this coming final exams for UiTM's students.

p/s: deepest thanks to my friends for their support... ;)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

MUET Writing Tips

How can I improve my essays??

Writing is marked upon Task Fulfilment (30marks) & Language (30marks).

So in order to have points to write, u need to be well read. At least, u shud read the newspapers daily. Extra credit will be given to international examples.

Then, employ a correct essay outline which basically looks like this :

Introduction - General statements / The hook - to grab readers' attention (various ways to write an attention-getter)
Thesis statement (your reply to the Q - main idea of the whole essay)

A typical ugly SPM way of writing intros will be like 'I agree with the statement ....bla bla bla' as the 1st sentence already.

Body Paragraph - Topic sentence (main idea for that particular paragraph)
Supporting details (explanation, elaboration, examples, studies/researches)

For 350 words, 4 body paragraphs shud suffice.

COnclusion - common method is restating ur thesis
suggestions/recommendations/predictions (can pose questions too)

If u follow this format correctly plus reasonably relevent/accurate points, u shud not be below Band 3. If u have reasonably good command of the language, u can go up to Band 4 or 5.

source: malaysianstudentblog/ blogger

Preparation for MUET

I seem to get this question a lot in MUET classes or from friends, “how can I improve my english?”
Well, through what I’ve observed so far, understanding and communicating in english is definitely not a problem for most, if not, all KML students. However, to achieve a desired result in MUET, there is a few ways to improve the mastering of english in such a limited period of time.

1. Speak:

Stop thinking, “oh, I don’t speak good english. People are going to laugh at me if I speak my broken english.” Instead, think, “I should improve my english, that’s why I must constantly speak it to get used to the language.” Don’t mind the fact that you might think you’re grammatically wrong, the point here is getting used to speaking in english. Once you get used to speaking in english, from there onwards, proceed to focusing on using proper grammar in your daily speeches.

2. Read:

You should chose to read articles, novels or any reading materials that interest you. That way, reading an english material wouldn’t be boring. When you chance upon a words you’re not familiar with, look it up in a dictionary. Write the word and it’s meaning down in a small notebook, or even better, on a piece of sticky-notepad and stick it somewhere where you can always see it. This is a good way to add variation to your vocabulary.

3. Write:

This is simple. You can apply this to your everyday life. Use English when you’re writing down reminders, leaving notes for your friends, text messaging and writing your e-mails. Be accustomed to writing in English as it will help in your essay writing.

4. Listen:

Now, this is essential. Listen to your MUET lecturer’s instructions on the guidelines for acing your MUET test. Lecturers WANT you to get the best you can for the exam. Participate in activities organised by your MUET lecturer. This is all done to assist you with your preparation for MUET.

In summarisation, the key point is to make English an element of your life and familiarising yourself with the usage of english.

source: malaysianuniversityenglishtestblog

MUET Speaking Tips

Here are some tips taken (contributed by good hearted lyners), a good guide to sit for your MUET Speaking Test.

More pointers for Speaking component:-

1. Task 1 is to be presented to the examiner - so greet the examiner, maintain eye contact with him/her. Don't just read from your notes.

2. Task 2
- One person starts the discussion by greeting the examiner and fellow candidates
- Proceed to state own opinion (not necessarily to stick to your choice in Task 1) - give one point only (not ALL, otherwise you will have nothing to contribute later)
- Then either ask for opinion or let someone continue

You are discouraged from waiting to be prompted by others for your opinion. This is a speaking test - a test of your ability to speak. No contents = no marks.
Of course if you have flawless English but weak content, you will be penalised.

3. Effective body language is important here. Maintain eye contact will all candidates. Nod or smile in approval. Don't rock your chair. don't play with your pencil or your hair. Don't just stare at your notes or write all the time.

4. Use variety of language structures. If Candidate A has used 'In my opinion..', you can use 'I think' ,'I feel' etc. To disagree, you can say 'I'm sorry I beg to differ','I'm sorry I have to disagree with Candidate...'. If you see a particular candidate is dominating the discussion, you can say ' I'm sorry, may I interrupt for a moment?' or 'May I say something here?'

Don't argue, don't use rude words like 'Why CANNOT??' or 'NOOOO, I don't think so'.

5. At the end of the 10 minutes, you are to come to a consensus. Only ONE choice. Worst comes to worst, combine 2 very relevant ones. If you have your own fixed group members, this is easier to achieve because you must have a lot of practices in order to come to a natural conclusion. Do not at the last minute, just simply say 'Ok, I agree'. Very fake...

6. Finally, another person ends the discussion. Eg. Based on our discussion, we have come to a conclusion that... or Thank you for a fruitful discussion. I can safely conclude that..
Do this only if everyone in the group has agreed with only one answer.

by huey80

source: malaysianstudentblog

If you are looking for a sample of MUET Speaking test, I can give you the link. You can click the link but I am not responsible for any content of the video or the website. TQ. Click Here

Monday, April 4, 2011

MUET Tips for you

People have been telling me that MUET is JUST MUET. Contaminated by the thought that MUET is EASY, I didn’t put much effort when I sat for the end of 2009 MUET. 

I perceived MUET as just another English test to sit. I simply thought that as long as I pass the minimum band requirement for my college, it is good enough. I only spent a few hours the night before the test by going through several essay questions to kick-start my brain and that was it. Despite my little effort and much to my astonishment, I scored a Band 6 in MUET. I am very grateful that Lady Luck was on my side. 

However, some of my friends weren’t very lucky. They had the same mindset as I did – no need to do preparations, just achieve the minimum band and rejoice. Sadly, quite a number of them had to re-sit the test as they scored below the required band for our college. Hey, MUET IS A HIGHER LEVEL ENGLISH TEST. If you screw it once, you’ll have to pay and re-sit for another. And because I don’t want others to face what my friends faced, I wish to help everyone out there who is eager to perform well in their upcoming MUET. So here are some brief introduction and tips on how to ace MUET based entirely on my experience.

Firstly, there are 4 papers to sit for MUET: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The Speaking test is conducted on one day, while the Listening, Reading and Writing tests are held altogether on a different day.

Speaking Test

What to expect: 

You’ll be placed into groups of 4 according to your candidate number. 2 sessions will be conducted beginning with Individual Presentation and ensued with Group Discussion. A main topic will be given, for example, ‘There are many ways of obtaining information today’. Each candidate will then receive one suggestion to elaborate on. 

For instance, ‘the Internet’ for candidate A, ‘the mobile phone’, ‘newspapers’ and ‘radio and television’ for candidates B, C and D respectively. Candidates will be given 2 minutes to prepare their points and another 2 minutes to present their views individually. Once the Individual Presentation session is done, the second session begins. 2 minutes will be given for all candidates to discuss and decide as to which of the four suggestions is the best.

My experience: 

I was very lucky as I was the fourth candidate and the last to present my points. I had more time to jot down my ideas while other candidates were presenting theirs. I am fluent in English thus I had no problem elaborating my points. As for the Group Discussion session, everyone in my group voiced out different views and hence made the session a lot more interesting. We didn’t fight or debate, we simply said what we believe was right. We also helped each other throughout the session. We were tolerant to one another in which each person had almost equal time to speak. Everyone had their say and none of us conquered the discussion.

Tips: If you are competent in English, there is nothing for you to worry. However, if you are not fluent in this language, I suggest that you practice speaking English with your friends beforehand. It helps if you warm-up your brain before the test by having a discussion with your friends. Use simple words and speak at a normal pace. Speak clearly. Don’t rush your words or mumble. 
Also, if possible, try to give out-of-the-box views. This test does not only assess your fluency in English. The invigilators will give extra marks for mature, wise and sensible ideas. Furthermore, make full use of the 2 minutes duration time by elaborating in details or giving more suggestions. 2 minutes sounds short, but when you’re out of words it can be very long. Most importantly, avoid saying ‘uhm’, ‘err’, ‘well’ repetitively as this clearly shows how nervous you are.

Reading Test

What to expect: A total of 45 objective questions; 10 are True/False questions. The questions are based on several passages. Duration of 90 minutes.

My experience: Honestly, this paper was the most difficult for me. The passages were difficult to understand as a broad range of vocabulary was in use. The MCQ choices were very tricky and time constraint made it even worse. I didn’t even have the time to recheck my answers.

Tips: Truth be told, you need to practise answering some MUET sample questions as preparation. I didn’t try any questions and oh my, I was so stumped that it took me a long time to understand the passages! The passages are very difficult to comprehend but I suppose that if you’re used to reading newspapers it wouldn’t be a problem. When answering the paper, read the excerpt first (understand the main idea), then go through the questions briefly and finally read the excerpt again. Underline or highlight sentences that are related to the questions. Most importantly, FOCUS! Don’t bother looking at other candidates or build castles in the air. Trust me, the 90 minutes is not enough!

Writing Test

What to expect: 1 summary (comparison) question based on a graphic. The graphic can be tables, graphs, short excerpts or even bar/pie charts. You are required to make comparison based on the graphic provided. Also, 1 essay question; usually argumentative. 90 minutes.

My experience: The night before my MUET, I sat with my roommate and we brainstormed on points for the essay, new words, idioms, quotes and the like. I’ve always loved writing so I wasn’t very worried for this section.

Tips: For the summary question, familiar yourself with comparison words. Use words like ‘better than’, ‘higher’, ‘rise’, ‘elevate’, ‘levelled out’, ‘equal’, ‘reduce’ and ‘lessen’ to give your essay a boost. Concentrate only on the main points as you are to write a very short 200 words summary. You should first compare on the statistics/graphs/etc given, then add 1 or two points based on your understanding of the graphic. Or in other words, write a few lines on your inference on the graphic. As for the argumentative essay, try to memorise a number of bombastic words and idioms to beautify your essay. You shouldn’t simply memorise them but you ought to know how and when to use them. Also, check out a thesaurus to find synonyms for useful words that you may want to use repetitively. For instance, alternatives to ‘thus’ are ‘therefore’, ‘hence’, ‘consequently’ and ‘as a result’. In addition, to defend your stand, use words like ‘justify’, ‘strongly belief’, ‘affirm’, ‘emphasize’ and et cetera. If you are weak in writing, avoid composing a lengthy essay. The longer you write, the more grammatical errors you’ll make. Try to write a short but compact essay.

Listening Test

What to expect: 20 questions consisting of both MCQ and subjective questions. The tape will be repeated twice and extra time will be given for you to answer all the questions.

My experience: I have to say that I am very lucky for MUET. I was seated in the first row and the radio was right in front of my desk. Unlike my friends who sat far behind and could only hear whispers of voices, I could hear loudly and clearly – word by word. Very lucky, weren’t I? *grins*

Tips: Frankly speaking, the questions for listening test are pretty easy and straightforward. You just have to listen attentively and take your time in answering the questions. I have to warn you that the questions are not in sequence with the dialogue so you should first brief through the questions before the session starts. Don’t panic if you missed a point as the tape will be repeated for a second time.

Well, I hope that I’ve made MUET easy for you. May you have a great MUET experience and score one of the high bands. MUET is rather tough if your English isn’t strong but fret not because practice makes perfect.

Buy a MUET exercise/sample papers/past year compilation book to have a better grasp of this test. If I can score a band 6, why can’t you? I am neither a debater nor a public speaker. I speak in my mother tongue (which is not English!) 24/7 at home. So if I can ace a band 6, I’m pretty sure you can too.

Have faith in yourself and all the best, folks! xD

source: malaysianstudentblog

Hi People!!

Hi everyone. it's been a while, right? I'm very sorry, I forgot my password, plus, I've got a lot of assignments and tests. Gosh, now that is what we call 'University Life', isn't it?

Well, I am asking all of you who is new in accounting or want to improve your accounting grades, please do tell me what you need me to teach/explain to you. I can provide you with the necessary notes.
You can email me at tutoraccounting91@yahoo.com or ask me on my formspring box available in this blog as well. 

Or if you need help in other subjects such as BEL, LAW and MAF, you are welcome too. =)

Your cooperation are very much appreciated.

Thank you!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Accounting: Intoduction To Accounting

Good Day, everyone! Finally, today I'm going to start my first lesson. Before you can explore more about accounting, you have to know what is Accounting. I have prepared a short note about intro to accounting. Read below.

A. Definition of Accounting

The aim of accounting is to provide information on the business activities to several interested groups. In achieving these objectives, there are several process that are involved.

Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating economic events of an organization to interested users of the information. The information is communicated through the preparation and distribution of accounting reports, the most common of which are called financial statements. The financial statements are prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles, concepts, standards, and regulations.

Identifying- Identify business activities to be recorded by an enterprise. Ex. Paying wages to employees, buying motor vehicles to sell to customers and collecting payment received from the sale of the motor vehicles. These data must be sort into orderly and meaningful categories ex. Receipts, payment, purchases, sales.

Measuring- The economic event, which is called transactions by accountants, must be measured in financial terms, ex. “RM” and “sen”.

Recording- The transactions are recorded in the books of the business. Ex. Journals and ledgers

Communicating- the accounting information is communicated through the preparation and distribution of accounting reports to the owners of the business or to others allowed to receive this information.

B. Definition of Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is only part of accounting.
It is the mechanical aspects of accounting such as classifying, recording and summarizing of business transactions prior to the preparation of financial reports. Bookkeeping is normally performed by individuals with limited skills in accounting.

Distinguishing between Bookkeping and Accounting

Bookkeeping refers to the mechanical aspects of accounting such as recording, classifying and summarizing transactions. This is only part of the Accounting process. In total, accounting involves the entire process of identification, measurement, recording and communication.

to be continued...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tips To apply For a Scholarship

The application process of applying for a scholarship is similar to applying for a job. Much hard homework needed to be done. Once you have done your homework on looking out all the available scholarships that you wish to apply, you should then spend some time going through each and every one of these to ascertain if they match your desired wish. Although, it is an all time consuming and tedious process of work, it is worthwhile to spend plenty of time making sure that all of your applications are correct, that your application is an outstanding one supported by your letter of application, your resume listing your achievements, your letter of support and recommendation by a third party.

We do not have a 100% guarantee tip on how you can get that scholarship you are applying for, but by following the following guidelines it will maximise your chance of getting one. Of course, the fact of the matter is what may work for one may not work for the other. At the end of it, it is entirely up to each individual to package it and how much smart and hard work has been put to it.

Gathering Information by Research
Obviously, as in all tasks, preparation is the key. Start your homework early. Gather as much information as possible. There is so much information which you must gather and with scholarship application there is much liaison which you will need to interact with the sponsor. It may be to follow up on more information needed to complete the application form, query on some of the answers needed, submission of type of essay, or letter of recommendation form organisations which provided reference of your character. Also, sometimes, the scholarship is provided by a private organisation, it pays to gather information on the organisation’s mission statement, philosophy and the direction. It is better to gather more information than less.

Eligibility Requirements
As you put in great effort in your search, it will give you more options as to what you can do with each of them. One of the most important factors is to compare and check your eligibility of the scholarship. Yes, it is pointless to submit an application if you are clearly ineligible for it. For example, it is important to check if there is specific gender, race, nationality, indigenousness group, religion or special restriction requirements listed on the application form, although, these sort of requirements may soon be outlawed.

Read Instructions Carefully
When you know you are eligible to apply, the next step is to read the instructions on completing the application form. Follow the guidelines to the utmost strictest direction. Some of the common oversights of applicants are:
• The form is not completely filled up. One or two other additional form may be required to be filled up as well as some questions were left unanswered.
• The documentation where requested were not submitted.
• Response to questions was not answered correctly. Always answer the question correctly and exactly. If the applicant do not give their full contact details, how can the sponsor contact them if these were not provided?
• Illegible handwriting is a big problem. If you are applying for something important, the least you can do is either typed it out or handwrite it clearly and cleanly.

Preparation for Submitting Your Application
Your material which you have gathered must be organized in a professional presentation format. Image impression counts. Preferably if you are applying for a few scholarships which are each of different type and nature, it would be wise to create separate folder for each and filed them by their date of application or by alphabet order for quick reference purpose. Keep notes of what needed to be done or follow up appointments. In your submission, tick off from the check list each item form the list. The list may include:
• Academic results from schools or university/college.
• Letter of recommendation.
• Letter of support, financial from parents and banks.
• Completed form, including application, resume, etc.
Once you have your entire document ready, package it in such a way, that it is systematic and easy to follow when the sponsors received them. Your package should be professionally bound and filed accordingly.

Double Check!
The next step is to do a personal checklist:

• Proof read your application again for grammar and spelling errors.
• Check for any questions which you have left unanswered.
• Make photocopy of all your application which you can make notes for follow up appointment.
• Submit application early in case you miss the deadline.
• Consider certified mail or courier for return receipts.
• Have proper contact details listing where and who and when you can be exactly contacted. Sometimes successful applicant cannot be contacted as they have moved or changed contact details without informing the sponsor of the change in details.

Personalised your Applications
As with a job application, when you have done your homework, the details collected should be utilised to full effect. If you know the name of the manager in charge and the specific requirements of each scholarship, it pays to personalise your application as in doing so, it will make your application stand out. Address each specific requirements individually, specifying the name of the manager, your strength in the area in which the sponsor are looking for, that you have the requirements to undertake the challenge of a scholarship award and so on.

Good luck! All the best!

source: Biasiswa.com

memo: To be honest, I myself do not being granted any scholarship by my government. Quiet disappointing because I have my very best during the interview last time. My academics performance? It is very excellent. I guess the government has made a wrong decision for picking somebody else intead of me. lol~